Friday, November 14, 2014

November 14, 2014

A Few Pictures From Mr. Tenopir

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A game of Soccer Badminton at the Recognition Assembly.
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Elmhurst College Jazz Band performing during Arts Fest
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3rd Place Trophy Presentation at State Soccer
Curtain Call at Shrek The Musical
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Students showing their appreciation for Ken Hester,
Fremd custodian and Vet,at the Veterans Day Assembly.

Highlights and Successes
  • Congratulations to November English student of the month Madisen Hursey.
  • Congratulations to Director Judy Klingner and the cast and crew of the musical “Shrek” on their amazing performances.
  • Congratulations to the Varsity Speech medalists at the Viking Varsity Challenge:  2nd place Original Comedy, Abby Cohen; 2nd place Informative Speaking, Emma Davies; 3rd place Radio Speaking Emma Davies; 3rd place Oratorical Declamation, Rachel Lucas;4th place Informative Speaking, Varshini Ramanathan; 5th place Dramatic Interpretation, Brinda Dollu and 6th place Dramatic Interpretation, Connor Bradshaw.
  • Congratulations to this week’s Viking Pride winners:  Arash Abbas, Dylan Assmann, Kyle Brinston, Javier Cabrera Hernandez, Alex Feltz, Jill Finis, Jameson Fonseca, Isabella Iaccino, Jack Kao, Miya Konishi, Emilija Peleckas, Aleia Pennock, Makila Rivera, Joshua Sun and Emily Virata.
  • Congratulations to Coach Steve Keller and the Boys Soccer Team on their 3rd place State finish.
  • Congratulations Courtney Wilhelm and Jason Spoor and everyone involved in creating an amazing Veterans Day tribute.

Upcoming Home Activities and Varsity Events

November 18
Late Start (8:50 start)
November 18
Fall Sports Awards 7:00 p.m.
November 19
College Financing Seminar 7:00 p.m.
November 26
Non Attendance Day
November 27-28
Thanksgiving Break

For a more complete list, please visit our Athletics Page.

Staff Spotlight

Name: Cari Maila
Position: Athletic Director’s Secretary
Years at Fremd: 13 years
Life before Fremd: Before working at Fremd I was fortunate enough to stay at home with my children. I don’t regret one moment of it! All three graduated from Fremd with honors and have very successful careers. Their pictures are in the front hall with the academic scholars.
Hobbies/Interests: When not spending time with my kids, my favorite pastime in the summer is riding my bicycle on trails in the woods and my motorcycle on long winding country roads. In the winter I enjoy cross country skiing in the forest preserve and catching up on missed movies.
Insider Tip for Parents:  Three tips I have for parents:
1.       Encourage your kids to be involved. Fremd has many clubs, athletic teams and after school activities to offer. There is more to school than academics.
2.       Try to take time in your busy lives to have dinner together as often as possible. It will keep your family strong.
3.       Be a parent to your child. You can be their friend later.   

Ask the Principal
Q: Why is my student’s highlight/success not listed in your blog?
A: Here is how information makes it into my blog: (1) We have so many things going on in this school that even I cannot keep up with all of the events without the help of others. Therefore, I rely on others--coaches, sponsors, administrators, administrative assistants--to collect information about our successes. (2) Typically, only varsity-level events are listed here, so freshman or sophomore team accomplishments, while impressive, won’t make the list. (3) I wait until the event (or string of events) is/are concluded before I recognize them. For example, the musical ended last Friday after my blog was posted, so I listed it in this week’s blog.

Are you curious about something at Fremd but have never asked? Email me at If your question is pertinent to a wider audience, I will include it in the next blog post.

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